πŸšͺScaleyValleyCollection specification

ScaleyValleyCollection is a contract keeping all NFT information in it. This contract exists only on Ethereum network with bridge Hyp721 backings on other Valley-chains.

Storage mapping



View state

getNFTKindSupply(uint256 kind) β€” gives supply for kind

getKind(uint256 id) β€” calculated kind from id using bitwise operators

isKind(uint256 id, uint256 kind) β€”whether id is amongst kind tokens

tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) β€” appends tokenId to baseURI

Changing state

mintKind(address to, uint256 kind) β€” mints kind token to user to. It emits event Transfer from address(0) so backend services will see minted token id.

token id is defined as follows:

uint256 tokenId = (kindId << 16) | kindSupply[kindId]

Interactor must have MINTER_ROLE.

setBaseURI(string memory newUri) β€” set NFT's metadata URI. Only DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE

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